March 11, 2022
- Bikini Kill “New Radio” New Radio (Kill Rock Stars) 1993
- Slim Dunlap “Radio Hook Word Hit” Times Like This (Medium Cool Records, Restless Records) 1996
- Nirvana “Radio Friendly Unit Shifter” In Utero (DGC) 1993
- Josh Ritter “Golden Age of Radio” Golden Age of Radio (Signature) 2002
- Guided By Voices “Radio Show (Trust the Wizard)” Self-Inflicted Aerial Nostalgia (Halo) 1989
- The Modern Lovers “Roadrunner” The Modern Lovers (Beserkley) 1976
We wrap a week of Suburbs Radio DJ introductions with shows previews by Mackensi Crenshaw, Keith Jacobsen, Vasant Ramamurthy, Jim Lenahan, Kevin Bartlett, Mike Kohli and Scott Parks. Shoutout to Keith Jacobsen for sticking around all week!
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For your viewing pleasure…
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