Episode 732: Hardcore in the Midwest




November 19, 2019


  • The Meatmen “1 Down 3 To Go” We’re The Meatmen…and You Suck!! (Touch and Go Records) 1983
  • Necros “Reject” I.Q. 32 (Touch and Go Records, Dischord Records) 1981
  • Negative Approach “Nothing” Tied Down (Touch and Go Records) 1983
  • Hüsker Dü “Real World” Metal Circus (SST Records) 1983
  • Zero Boys “Civilization’s Dying” Vicious Circle (Toxic Shock Records) 1982


Dot Dash bass player Hunter Bennett continues the discussion on Hardcore punk music. We shift our geography to the Midwest, and explore some acts from the region.

*EARMUFFS WARNING* This episode contains some language perhaps not suitable for the childrens.

Where credit is due: Photo of Zero Boys from Secretly Canadian.

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